What really matters beyond the Resume
Remote Work: Best practices for Hiring, Onboarding and Managing remote teams
The role of Emotional Intelligence in Team Dynamics
AI is the new electricity – is your business ready?
Why is Employee Engagement so Important in your Organization? Putting the puzzle together.
The Art of Craftsmanship in Software Development: A Glimpse into the Crafting Software Company
Team Building in the Software Development Environment
Creating a Positive Work Environment for Developers
Clutch Selected Crafting Software as One of The Top Development Companies in Romania for 2022
2020s UI/UX & Web Design Overview (for Startups)
Some thoughts on feedback
A guide to better feature demos
Adrian Magdas on Crafting Good Software
Five things I've learned by moving from senior developer to junior product designer
The Art of Celebrating Too Early And Backtracking to Save The Day. A Scraping Story
A quick intro to Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Handling REST errors with RxSwift and RxAlamofire
Angular Meets Phoenix/Elixir
Is going remote a viable solution for your company?
Why a mobile app for ordering and paying in restaurants is not a good business idea